In 1969, United States Army was facing the Civil war, when it founded the needed to share some information with other country armies and ask for help to them. That's when there scientists developed a networking hierchy, called the Advanced Research Project Agency Network, which was build to create a connection with the mexican and italian army, to share inormation and news with them related to the war. This ARPANET was not just created by a few scientists or engineers, students from different institutions across the country build different scripts which were further combined to form this ARPANET. There were four computers across USA connected to the network- Three in Utah and one in California. After a decade, a few more stuff like history and bookmarks were added to it, changing its name to the 'INTERNET'.

Internet is a network of various networks all over the world, consisting of millions of computers. It lets us share all the information that is there in the computers which are connected to any network across the globe, and ultimately being connected to the Internet. Now beware of this- people say that everything is there on the internet....but that is not true! Only that information is there on the net which is available on any one computer connected to the internet across the globe, if the information is not there in any computer across the globe, then no donut for you! But you can still find all the information because millions of computers are there on the net, and someone must be storing your dream thought!!!!!!
My hands need some rest, and so does your brain! So go and get refreshed.....and when you return, you won't see anything ahead! So go here, and get that extra knowledge for me.....
So, hope your brain cells got excercised!!!!