I am trying to find a site on the web which will make a website for me. I don't know why. Maybe because its quite cool to have your own web space, where you write and others read. Anyways, I have Dengue. Quite a long story- I went to Ahlcon Public School for a competition, and we had pizzas there. Next day, I had viral, and after 2 days I got food poisoning. When I went to the hospital to get the tests done, it came out to be Dengue. So I'm sitting at home and wasting away my time.
Which reminds me, my half yearly exams are going to start very soon. And I really need to start studying. But I don't want to. I am not that hopeless, you see.
You must have observed by now, that I am writing crap. Or rather,bullshit. Just like that fake IPL blogger was writing bullshit. So I guess, reading all this was a complete waste of time, for you. Just like writing all this was a complete waste of time, for me.